Science Fiction and Fantasy

I have been writing 'stories' from a very young age. Some years ago
I completed a number of science-fiction and fantasy novels, two or three of which were
declared to be of 'publishable quality' by people who know about such things
to whom they were shown - but none of them succeeded in finding
a publisher. However, although I am not a natural for the short-story
length, three of my infrequent shorter pieces have been published.

Plus, some links of possible interest.

'In the Green Shade of the Bee-Loud Glade'

Cover of Penguin Book of Modern Fantasy by Women

The Penguin Book of Modern Fantasy by Women edited by A. Susan Williams and Richard Glyn Jones, 1995

'Harmonising Polarities'

Cover Penguin Book of Erotic Stories by Women

The Penguin Book of Erotic Stories by Women edited by Richard Glyn Jones and A.Susan Williams, 1995

'On Margate sands: the futures possible' in Art Lands on Alien Landscape, Limbo Arts, April 2011

Link to Link to


My reviews of Rosaleen Love, The Travelling Tide, L Timmel Duchamp, The Red Rose Rages (Bleeding), Farah Mendlesohn, Diana Wynne Jones: Children's Literature and the Fantastic Tradition and L Timmel Duchamp, Blood in the Fruit in Strange Horizons

My review of Julie Phillips, James Tiptree Jr: The Double Life of Alice B. Sheldon in Vector

Naomi Mitchison: A Profile of her life and work, Aqueduct Press Conversation Pieces, 2007

'Beyond Madame Curie? The Invisibility of Women's Narratives in Science' in L Timmel Duchamp (ed), Narrative Power: Encounters, Celebrations, Struggles, Aqueduct Press, 2010

'Send in the Clones?: Naomi Mitchison and the Politics of Reproduction and Motherhood' in James Purdon (ed), Naomi Mitchison: A Writer in Time (Edinburgh University Press, 2023)


I presented the George Hay Memorial Lecture of the Science Fiction Foundation, at Eastercon 2012, on Invisible Women: The Scientists People Don't See (video). Unfortunately this no longer seems to be available, even by way of the Wayback Machine. I have therefore made a pdf of the text of my lecture.


Occasionally posting at Ambling Along The Aqueduct, the Aqueduct Press blog
and at
Geek Feminism (no longer active)


Queens of the Future: A Century of Women in Speculative Fiction Media
17-19 October 2024. Los Angeles, CA

Reproduction and Speculative Cultures Conference
24 October 2024, Lancaster University, 28 October 2024 online


SF Mistressworks: women science fiction writers - Blog

Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Utopia

A page with lots of information, bibliographies, recommended reading lists, information about women sff writers, etc, and the homepage for the

Feminist SF, Fantasy & Utopia ListServes

Now has also a wiki and a blog

See also:

FSSFU Book Discussion Group (BDG)


Wiscon: The world's only feminist science fiction convention


The James Tiptree, Jr. Literary Award Council
The James Tiptree, Jr. Award is an annual literary prize for science fiction or fantasy that expands or explores our understanding of gender.


Broad Universe
An international organization with the primary goal of promoting science fiction, fantasy, and horror written by women.


Feminist Science Fiction and Fantasy:
An Incomplete List compiled by Cynthia Ward


Aqueduct Press
'Bringing challenging feminist science fiction to the demanding reader'


an interdisciplinary feminist journal dedicated to critical and creative works in the realms of SF, fantasy, magical realism, surrealism, myth, folklore, and other supernatural genres.


The Society for Utopian Studies and H-Utopia discussion list <


For suggestions about good places to look for hard-to-find

Link to Books Page


Some additional sites of interest


WISRNet: Women in Science Research Network


Feminists Against Censorship


The Museum of Menstruation and Women's Health


Why are there so few women in science?: On-line debate hosted by Nature


Women in science (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)


Láadan Language Official Home Page: the constructed language created by Suzette Haden Elgin, featuring in the Native Tongue trilogy. There is also a Livejournal community


Heartless Bitches International: A site which can be quite entertaining when one is in certain moods...


Science Fiction Mad: Feminist Science Fiction Links


Judy Greenway's research on utopias and utopianism, anarchism and anarchafeminism


Not particularly feminist (well, in some respects), but nonethless amusing
The List of Science Fiction Clichés; The Things I Will Do if I Am Ever the Hero; The Things I Will Do if I Am Ever the Sidekick; The Things I Will Do if I Am Ever the True Love; The Evil Henchman's Guide; The Survival Guide for Normal Innocent Bystanders; The Evil Overlord Inc. Web Site; Guidelines for Evil Empresses

and Recommended Reading of my own.


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Last Updated 25 September 2024 by Lesley Hall